braemar hill
This is the map of North Point created.In this map, we tried to make road and buildings on Braemar Hill .There are a lot of difficulties while we are building on slopes and we tried our best to fix the problems. We tried to use sceneryobjects for some of the crossings.We hope this can provide a smooth driving experience for the players.New AI trams by Admin Koguma is available in this file.Hope you all enjoy.
Main map:Admin GL
HOF Data and AI Timetable: Admin Koguma,Admin LR
Special detailed objects and AI tram: Admin Koguma
Some Objects and Splines used in this map are provided by Admin 02 and the following Workshops:
taxidriverhk,CDLX,3D Transport Studio,M³ Studio,FF3170,NSHK
If we didn't mention your workshop in the description above or we did anything wrong,please contact us.
Route available for driving in v.1: NWFB 27